Sustainability Report 2023

Zeppelin Group Sustainability Report 2023


Our goal is to be a driver of sustainable transformation in our industries. We do this by providing our customers with products, services and processes that add value for the environment, climate and people.

Financial Sustainability

Success through
For Zeppelin, economic sustainability is a basic prerequisite for securing long-term economic success and maintaining and expanding our competitiveness.
3,9 Bio.
euros sales
received Zeppelin as overall grade in an independent corporate issuer rating by Creditreform Rating AG
ideas have been received by Zeppelin within the Z IDEA idea management programme
employees took part in Group-wide compliance training
employees participated in the data protection training
participation rate in voluntary CSR e-learning
Our goals
We see every challenge as an opportunity and work with targeted CSR initiatives and together with our customers and partners to achieve our goals.
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High compliance training rate of over 90%
Avoidance of data protection violations through targeted information and training of our employees
High training rate for Integrated Management System (IMS) and CSR: over 50%.
Expanding the range of sustainable products and services

    Social Responsibility

    How We Shape the World
    Around Us
    In addition to ecological and economic responsibility, social commitment is of great importance. As an attractive employer, Zeppelin supports and encourages its employees in order to inspire them for the company in the long term.
    employees in the Zeppelin Group
    is the Group-wide health rate
    9,6 years
    years average job tenure
    percentage of women within the Zeppelin Group
    apprentices are part of the Zeppelin Group.
    1,2 Mio.
    euros were donated by the Zeppelin Group in 2023
    Our Goals
    In addition to our economic and environmental goals, we create the best possible working conditions for our employees through comprehensive social standards, occupational health and safety measures, and fair development opportunities.
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    Maintaining the average length of service at a level of at least 9.3 years
    Increase female workforce share to at least 20% by 2025
    Reduce work-related accident rate by 10 % annually by 2025
    Donations based on consolidated net income of at least 0.5-1% per year

      Environmental Sustainability

      Our Planet
      Our Responsibility
      For Zeppelin, ecological sustainability is a basic requirement for an active contribution to environmental and climate protection. This corresponds to the infinity principle, which is anchored in Zeppelin's nature as a foundation company.
      fewer CO2 emissions compared to the previous year
      of electricity and heat consumption were saved
      reduction in freshwater consumption compared to previous year
      less waste compared to the previous year
      Our goals
      Ecological sustainability aims to protect the environment and our natural resources. We therefore cultivate a conscious approach to water, energy and finite raw materials. At the same time, it is our goal to reduce emissions that are harmful to the climate and the environment.
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      CO2-neutrality in ongoing business operations by 2030
      (Scope 1 & 2)
      Reduction of energy consumption by 1% per year from 2021 to 2025 (electricity and heat)
      Reduction of fresh water consumption by 30% by 2030 (base year 2022)
      Greatest possible resource efficiency by avoiding and reducing waste