The Group Management Board
Peter Gerstmann has been a member of the Group Management Board of Zeppelin GmbH since 2007 and Chief Executive Officer since 2010. He is responsible for Group Development and Innovation, Audit, Group Communications, IT Security, and the Plant Engineering SBU.
Christian Dummler has been responsible as CFO for Finance, Controlling, Real Estate Management, and Legal since 2011, and since 2020 has also been responsible for the newly created Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) division and the Power Systems SBU.
Fred Cordes was appointed Managing Director of Zeppelin GmbH on January 1, 2023 and as COO is responsible for Sales, Marketing, and Service and the Construction Equipment Central Europe, Construction Equipment Nordics, Construction Equipment Eurasia strategic business units, and since the reorganization, the Construction Equipment Germany & Austria and Construction Equipment International strategic business units. He succeeded Michael Heidemann, who took his well-deserved retirement on June 30, 2023 after 31 years of service at Zeppelin.
Alexandra Mebus, Member of the Group Management Board and, since 2018, CHRO is responsible for Compliance and Data Protection, HR and HR Development, Diversity, and IT/Digitalization as well as the Rental SBU.
In accordance with German legislation (Section 7 of the German Co-determination Act (MitbestG)), the Management Board is controlled by a Supervisory Board composed of equal numbers of shareholder representatives and employee representatives.
The Supervisory Board
The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Zeppelin GmbH since June 2009 has been Andreas Brand, Mayor of the City of Friedrichshafen, who will take his well-deserved retirement on October 31, 2024. In the 2023 fiscal year, the Zeppelin Group Supervisory Board consisted of eight male and four female members. The Supervisory Board presents a report for each fiscal year, which is included in the Annual Report and published on the Zeppelin Group website. A detailed list of the individual members of the Supervisory Board and their other significant positions and obligations can also be found in the Annual Report and on the Zeppelin Group website.