Sustainability Report 2023

Statement by the Group Management Board

GRI 2-9, 2-11

Dear customers, partners, employees, and readers1,

In regard to the three dimensions of sustainability, the Zeppelin Group is pleased to report a successful fiscal year in 2023. We were able to increase our sales and profit compared with the previous year. By reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, we have come a step closer to our goal of achieving CO2 neutrality (Scope 1 & 2) by 2030. Furthermore, our corporate social responsibility was enhanced by our support of numerous projects through donations and sponsorships in the 2023 reporting year.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of our corporate strategy. As a foundation-owned company committed to the infinity principle, we make an active contribution to climate action and environmental protection. We see sustainable action as a basic prerequisite for ensuring our long-term business success and maintaining and expanding our competitiveness. In addition, in keeping with our appeal as an employer we take responsibility for our employees and are committed to society.

As part of our CSR strategy, we place our customers and sustainable products and services at the heart of our activities and make authentic contributions in the areas of ecology, the economy and social issues. For example, we are currently expanding the way we calculate our carbon footprint to include indirect emissions along the value chain (Scope 3), significantly expanding our portfolio of sustainable products and services, and converting Zeppelin’s own sites to climate-neutral operations. During Zeppelin CSR Week, we once again worked with customers, partners, and experts to address various issues related to sustainable business.

This “Sustainability Report 2023” describes Zeppelin’s sustainability strategy and developments in the 2023 fiscal year. The focus here is on the progress we have made in achieving the goals we defined in the material action areas.

On behalf of the Group Management Board


Peter Gerstmann
Chairman of the Group Management Board
of Zeppelin GmbH


Christian Dummler
Managing Director/CFO
of Zeppelin GmbH

Click here to watch the video message from Christian Dummler.

1 For the sake of readability, we avoid the combined use of male and female pronouns. All personal pronouns should be understood as gender-neutral.

GRI Index