Sustainability Report 2023

Circular economy

In terms of the circular economy, material resources are used efficiently to avoid waste. By preserving materials and products, the aim is to create a sustainable economy that conserves resources and at the same time promotes economic growth. In this context, different strategies and technologies are used to recycle, repair, or reuse materials.

An assessment of the environmental aspects is carried out as part of the environmental management system in order to consider the environmental impacts of waste. In addition to other factors, the production of waste and by-products is assessed through action in operations. Corresponding improvement potentials and measures to reduce the impact on the environment are defined for the relevant activities and environmental aspects. In the measurement of the companies that fall within the scope of application, the logistics, the hazardous materials storage facilities and, in the Construction Equipment Central Europe SBU, the sludge traps required to clean the machines have a major influence on the generation of waste.

Progress in the circular economy

Progress on objectives
  • Greatest possible resource efficiency through prevention and reduction of waste
  • Global analysis of waste streams and types
  • Cooperation exclusively with qualified waste disposal companies
  • Worldwide substitution testing of hazardous substances by 2025

Zeppelin’s main objective is to make the most of the resources and products available, and to prevent or reduce the generation of waste from the outset. Disposal is always seen as the last resort, the top priority being avoidance, reduction, reuse or recycling. The amount of waste is based on the individual consumption per company and is specified in metric tons. In the 2023 reporting year, the absolute amount of waste was reduced by about 3.7%. Reported waste is categorized into non-hazardous and hazardous waste. Non-hazardous waste includes paper, cardboard, plastics, wood, mixed municipal waste and biodegradable waste. Hazardous waste includes, but is not limited to, paint and varnish residues, waste oil, sludges, and oil and grease residues. Around 60% of the reported waste in 2023 can be attributed to non-hazardous waste. The reduction in total waste was largely due to a reduction in hazardous waste. In the area of construction machine cleaning, the number of times the sludge trap is emptied is an important factor.

Waste volume (in metric tons)
Waste volume (in metric tons)
Quantity of waste in metric tons per strategic business unit (SBU)
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SBU Unit 2021 2022 2023
Construction Equipment Central Europe SBU Metric tons 6,989 6,553 6,167
Construction Equipment Nordics SBU Metric tons 1,995 1,867 1,977
Construction Equipment Eurasia SBU Metric tons 1,613 1,292 849
Rental SBU Metric tons 3,130 3,176 3,179
Power Systems SBU Metric tons 762 582 745
Plant Engineering SBU Metric tons 1,066 1,241 1,235
Zeppelin GmbH (holding company) Metric tons 42 43 60
Zeppelin Group Metric tons 15,597 14,754 14,213

The target for the coming years is to analyze the waste flows and types in order to determine potential for optimization. In addition, we will continue to work exclusively with certified waste management companies. This requires checking corresponding framework agreements for adjustments. Group-wide substitution testing of hazardous substances will also be carried out by 2025 to avoid or reduce the use of hazardous substances as far as possible.

Measures in 2023

World Cleanup Day & “Clean Up the World” campaign

As part of various campaigns such as the “World Cleanup Day” or the “Clean Up the World” campaign, many Zeppelin employees in Germany, Uzbekistan and Poland campaigned for a waste-free (environmental) world. Equipped with bags and gloves, the volunteers were able to make a valuable contribution to maintaining cleanliness and promoting environmental awareness through waste collection campaigns, some of which were organized independently.

Zeppelin employees in various countries committed to a waste-free environment at World Clean Up Day
Zeppelin employees in various countries committed to a waste-free environment at World Clean Up Day

Optimization of material flows

Zeppelin has optimized its material flows at some sites to strengthen the circular economy and prevent waste.

GRI Index