Sustainability Report 2023

A1 About this report

GRI 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-14

Report contents, period & report standard

With this report on “Sustainability at Zeppelin 2023”, the Zeppelin Group presents its achievements and targets in the area of sustainability, as well as the changes compared with the previous year. Group-wide collaboration at Zeppelin revolves around a management holding company – Zeppelin GmbH – and five strategic business units. Unless otherwise indicated, all information in this report relates to the Zeppelin Group. Zeppelin GmbH has reported in accordance with the GRI standards for the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. The Sustainability Report refers to the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023 and thus comprises three full fiscal years. Reservation: For a few key figures, values are not consistently available, as reporting has been improved and expanded in terms of quality in the last two years. Due to the crisis situation in Ukraine and Russia, it was not possible to determine the environmental and energy data of the sites in those regions in 2022. For this reason, the previous year’s values were adopted for these sites. If a key figure does not include all companies, a corresponding identification indicates the corresponding database. For the sake of completeness and depending on the subject matter in question, this report also contains information on the circumstances and facts prior to the specified period, as well as providing an outlook for the subsequent years. The reference date for the most recent data collection in respect of 2023 is June 14, 2023. The editorial deadline for this report is June 21, 2024. The Zeppelin Group’s Sustainability Report is published in a completely revised form, similar to the Annual Report, once a year.

External assurance

Zeppelin GmbH was not subject to the reporting obligation in accordance with German and European legislation for the 2023 reporting year. The Sustainability Report is submitted on a voluntary basis and is a management decision. The report has been reviewed and approved by the Management Board. Content published in the Group management reports and consolidated financial statements for 2021, 2022 and 2023 was reviewed by an independent auditor. The audit opinion can be found at the end of the respective annual report. The contents of the annual report are marked in the text.

Changes compared with previous year

For the 2023 fiscal year, the following changes were made to targets and reported values compared with the previous year, which are noted in the text or footnotes in the sustainability report:


Report values

Total energy consumption
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Total energy consumption in MWh Unit Old value New value Change
2021 MWh 197,655 197,767 +112
2022 MWh 192,325 189,207 -3,118





CO2 emissions (location-based)
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CO2 emissions (Scope 1 & 2, location-based) Unit Old value New value Change
2021 tCO2e 55,456 55,488 +32
2022 tCO2e 53,292 52,041 -1,251
CO2 emissions (market-based)
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CO2 emissions (Scope 1 & 2, market-based) Unit Old value New value Change
2021 tCO2e 46,193 46,243 +50
2022 tCO2e 43,674 43,759 +85


Water consumption
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Water consumption Unit Old value New value Change
2022 m3 147,940 148,894 +954



Waste volumes in t Unit Old value New value Change
2022 t 14,938 14,754 -184


Z IDEA reward amount paid out 2022

Correction of the reward amount paid from 11,600 euros to 24,122 euros.

Key figures in relation to employees (2021 and 2022):

The conversion of the calculation to the number of employees (FTE) reported in the Annual Report in the respective year has resulted in retroactive changes to performance indicators in the areas of work-related accidents, LTIF, absence days, CO2 emissions and energy consumption in 2022 and 2021.

HR key figures
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Proportion of women 2021 2022 Change
Proportion of women at 1st management level N/A N/A Newly added (2021: 21, 2022: 20)
Proportion of women at 2nd management level 21 20 2021: 18
Proportion of women at 3rd management level 18 20 2021: 17, 2022: 15
Personnel costs in million euros Unit Old value New value Change
2022 € million 754 745 -9
Total number of employees (FTE)     Old value New value
2021     10,673 10,312
2022     10,417 10,041


GRI Index