Sustainability Report 2023

A5 Overview of non-financial key figures


KPI Unit 2021 2022 2023
Financial sustainability        
Reported transgressions Number 23 25 30
of which confirmed transgressions Number 11 15 9
of which resolved transgressions Number 6 14 9
Compliance resolution rate % 55 93 100
Amount of fines, penalties and forfeitures imposed by final judgment Euro 0 0 0
Corruption cases Number 0 0 0
Total number of legal proceedings due to anti-competitive conduct and transgressions of antitrust and monopoly law Number 0 0 0
Participants in Compliance basic training Number 7,977 8,285 9,860
of which management (2021/2022), of which managers (2023) Number 40 58 903
Participation rate for Compliance basic training, total % 75.6 80.5 96.8
Data protection        
Participants in data protection basic training, total Number 4,301 7,080 7,871
Participation rate for data protection basic training, total % 40.8 68.8 77.2
Reported data protection complaints (in accordance with Article 33 GDPR) Number 10 56 32
of which breaches reported to supervisory authorities Number 0 6 2
Complaints concerning breaches of customer data protection Number N/A 0 0
Complaints from external parties Number N/A 0 0
Complaints from supervisory authorities Number N/A 0 0
Total number of identified cases of data theft and data loss related to customer data Number N/A 28 0
Quality management        
Z IDEA ideas submitted Number 622 434 352
Z IDEA rewarded ideas Number 119 52 74
Participation rate in e-learning modules IMS & CSR % 50 55 60
Social responsibility        
Number of employees as of December 31 FTE 10,312 10,041 9,995
of which trainees FTE 361 376 392
of which dual-study program students FTE 22 24 20
Number of employees as of December 31 Headcount 10,555 10,291  10,189
Number of permanent employees Headcount 10,449 10,209  9,937
Number of temporary employees Headcount 106 82 252
Percentage of permanent employees % 99 99 98
Full-time percentage % 97.7 97.6 98.1
Average age in the Group: Years 41.9 42.1 42.1
Age distribution below 25 % 6 6 8
Age distribution 26–30 % 11 11 10
Age distribution 31–35 % 15 14 14
Age distribution 36–40 % 17 16 15
Age distribution 41–45 % 14 14 14
Age distribution 46–50 % 11 11 11
Age distribution 51–55 % 12 11 11
Age distribution 56–60 % 10 11 11
Age distribution over 60 % 5 5 6
Personnel costs € million 692 745 787
Employee benefits (total, in accordance with IFRS) € thousand 278,203 226,424  234,787
Average Length of Service Years 9.4 9.7 9.6
Voluntary termination rate % 5.8 7.4 6.6
Employees who have taken parental leave Headcount 110 90 86
Female % 17 18 18*
Male % 83 82 82
Diverse % N/A N/A N/A
Proportion of women on the Supervisory Board % 33 33 33
Proportion of women on the Management Board % 25 25 25
Proportion of women at 1st management level % 21 20 20
Proportion of women at 2nd management level % 18 20 19
Proportion of women at 3rd management level % 17 15 15
Proportion of women in the workforce (Construction Equipment Central Europe SBU) % 15 15 15
Proportion of women in the workforce (Construction Equipment Nordics SBU) % 11 14 14
Proportion of women in the workforce (Construction Equipment Eurasia SBU) % 15 17 18
Proportion of women in the workforce (Construction Equipment Rental SBU) % 19 20 20
Proportion of women in the workforce (Power Systems SBU) % 16 16 17
Proportion of women in the workforce (Plant Engineering SBU) % 19 17 19
Proportion of women in the workforce (Holding) % 44 40 39
Occupational health and safety        
Work-related accidents Group, total Number 243 231 207
Work-related accidents per 1,000 employees (work-related accident rate) Number 23.6 23.0 20.7
Fatal accidents at work Number 0 0 0
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate Rate 12.8 12.5 11.3
Days lost Group, total Number 6,212 5,461 5,776
Lost days per 1,000 employees Number 602.4 543.9 577.9
Health expenditure % 96.5 95.5 95.8
Donations & sponsorship        
Donations to third parties Euro 1,204,354 1,302,559 1,197,047
Benefits to third parties Euro 912,932 1,210,358 1,673,332
Donations in relation to consolidated total income % 1.1 1.3 1.2
Environmental Sustainability        
CO2 emissions        
Scope 1 to CO2e 38,537 36,843 35,709
Scope 2 (location-based) to CO2e 16,951 15,199 14,762
Scope 2 (market-based) to CO2e 7,706 6,916 5,463
CO2 emissions – Scope 1 & 2 (location-based) to CO2e 55,488 52,041 50,471
CO2 emissions – Scope 1 & 2 (market-based) to CO2e 46,243 43,759 41,172
CO2 emissions – Scope 1 & 2 (market-based) per employee to CO2e/employee 4.5 4.4 4.1
CO2 emissions – Scope 1 & 2 (market-based) per €1 million sales to CO2e/€ million 12.5 11.4 10.5
Consumption of natural/liquid/propane gas MWh 43,541 36,276 34,244
District/local heating consumption MWh 9,405 10,189 10,165
Heating oil consumption MWh 2,382 2,795 2,574
Diesel consumption (heating) MWh 0 5 136
Total heat consumption MWh 55,328 49,265 47,119
Electricity consumption MWh N/A 30,765 28,845
Electricity consumption (fleet) MWh N/A N/A 602
Total power consumption MWh 32,154 30,765 29,447
Diesel consumption (fleet) MWh 98,732 98,065 96,645
Diesel consumption (other) MWh 1,105 616 1,258
Gasoline consumption MWh 9,665 9,613 7,694
Consumption of HVO (hydrogenated vegetable oil) MWh 0 0 9
Ethanol consumption MWh 0 0 59
CNG MWh 0 0 31
Total fuel consumption MWh 109,502 108,294 105,696
Consumption of renewable energies MWh 783 883 1,486
Total energy consumption MWh 197,767 189,207 183,748
Energy consumption per employee (FTE) MWh/MA 19.2 18.8 18.4
Energy consumption per €1 million sales MWh/€ million 53.5 49.3 46.7
Energy consumption (excluding mobility) MWh N/A 81,529 77,314
Energy consumption (excluding mobility) per €1 million sales MWh/€ million N/A 21.2 19.7
Water and waste        
Total water consumption 138,438 148,894 133,640
of which fresh water 137,425 147,708 131,938
Water consumption from regions with water stress 23,985 22,132 20,801
Waste volumes t 15,597 14,754 14,213
of which hazardous waste t 6,423 5,869 5,553
*Including Zeppelin Lab GmbH, klickrent GmbH and klickparts GmbH; as of: 12/31/2023.


GRI Index