Sustainability Report 2023

CSR progress

Material topic Target Development Status
Compliance Ensure a high training rate in the area of compliance: over 90%1 The number of confirmed violations has decreased by 40%. All compliance violations were resolved. The training rate has increased to 96.8% and the increased target has been achieved.
Data protection Avoidance of data protection breaches through targeted information and training The number of data protection complaints reported decreased to 32 (2022: 56). The training rate increased to 77.2% (2022: 68.8%).
Quality management Use the knowledge and innovativeness of employees for ongoing improvement and optimization The number of submitted ideas has decreased, and the number of ideas that have been rewarded has increased. This indicates an increase in the quality of ideas submitted.
Ensure a high training rate on the Integrated Management System (IMS) and CSR: over 50% New voluntary CSR e-learning with eight learning units rolled out worldwide. Target achieved with a participation rate of 60%.
Sustainable supplier management Collaborate with qualified suppliers Legal requirements according to the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) implemented. Responsible persons appointed, risk analysis carried out, and declaration of principles for human rights and environmental rights adopted by the Group Management Board. Focus on further development of internal processes and raising awareness among suppliers.
Sustainable products & services Expand the range of sustainable products and services Introduction of the low-emission fuel HVO checked and prepared. Product range of electrically powered vehicles, technical solutions for enhancing efficiency and reducing waste as well as increasing customer safety expanded.
1 Target adjustment compared with previous year: Increased compliance training rate from over 80% to over 90%
Material topic Target Development Status
Employee satisfaction Maintain the average length of service at a level of at least 9.3 years Length of service remained stable in 2023 (9.6 years).
Maintain the voluntary resignation rate at a maximum of 7,5% by 20251 Due to ongoing social and economic trends and challenges, the target was adjusted to 7.5%. The voluntary resignation rate for 2023 fell by 6.6% compared with the previous year. In 2023, the global Z VOICE employee opinion survey collected feedback on topics that influence employee satisfaction, motivation and therefore loyalty to the company.
Diversity Increase the proportion of women to at least 20% by 2025 Slight increase in the proportion of women to 18.1%. In order to promote women at Zeppelin, diversity goals have been embedded in all talent and development programs.
Occupational health and safety Reduce work-related injuries by 10% per year by 2025 The work-related injuries rate was reduced by 10% compared with the previous year and the target was achieved.
Reduce accident-related lost time (days) by 10% per year by 20252 The target of an annual reduction in accident-related lost time (days) by 10% was missed in the 2023 reporting year (+6.3% compared with 2022).
Increase the health rate to at least 95% by 2025 The health rate improved slightly to 95.8% Group-wide (2022: 95.5%). The adjusted target has been reached.
Donations & sponsorship Allocate donations in accordance with the foundation’s ethos and vision on the company’s economic earning power: Donation amount in relation to Group net income1,2 annually at a minimum of 0.5 – 1% With a total donation of around EUR 1.2 million and a donation ratio of 1.2% in the 2023 fiscal year, Zeppelin once again achieved its donation target.
1 Target adjustment compared with previous year: Maximum voluntary resignation rate increased from 5.0% to 7.5%.
2 Target adjustment compared with previous year: Target health rate reduced from 97% to 95%.
Material topic Target Development Status
Carbon neutrality Carbon neutrality in ongoing business operations by 2030 (Scope 1 & 2 market-based) Emissions (Scope 1 & 2) were reduced by 5.9% (market-based) compared with the previous year due to various energy-saving measures, building renovations, the expansion of renewable energies, and the switch to green electricity as well as one-off effects.
  • 2022: 43,759 t CO2e
  • 2023: 41,172 t CO2e
Reduce CO2 emissions by 46% by 2027 (base year 2022, Scope 1 & 2 market-based)1
Reduce energy consumption by 1% annually between 2021 and 2025 (electricity and heat) Total energy consumption has been reduced by 5,459 MWh (-2.9%). Energy consumption excluding mobility has decreased by 7.5% in relation to sales compared with the base year 2022. As a result, the new intermediate target was achieved.
Reduce energy consumption (excluding mobility) per EUR million in sales by 9.5% by 2027 (base year 2022)1
Reduce water consumption Reduce fresh water consumption by 30% by 2030 (base year: 2022)2 Overall, water consumption has been reduced by 10.2%. Fresh water consumption was reduced by 10.7% compared with the base year 2022. In addition to water-saving measures, this is also due to the increased use of rainwater.
Reduce fresh water consumption by 17.2% by 2027 (base year: 2022)3
Circular economy Greatest possible resource efficiency through prevention and reduction of waste The total amount of waste was reduced by 3.7% compared with the previous year. Optimizing material flows and participating in World Cleanup Day helped to further reduce waste and raise awareness among employees.
1 Target adjustment compared with previous year: New intermediate target added.
2 Target adjustment compared with previous year: Base year adjusted from 2021 to 2022.
3 Target adjustment compared with previous year: New intermediate target added.

GRI Index