Sustainability Report 2023

Human rights due diligence

The Zeppelin Group is committed to guaranteeing and protecting the human rights of every individual. Based on its values of integrity and excellence, Zeppelin is committed to fairness, appreciation, transparency and democratic social order in order to contribute to global peace and the freedom of all people. Violence, discrimination, hate speech, excessive nationalism and defamatory political disputes are rejected. Zeppelin values the diversity of its employees, rejects all forms of discrimination and is committed to diversity and equal opportunities, regardless of age, gender, religion, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation1. Respect for human rights is also reflected in their integration into internal guidelines. The Group’s sustainability guidelines are based on the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and on the principles of the UN Global Compact, which Zeppelin signed up to in 2016. As part of the human rights due diligence process, the Zeppelin Group implements a continuous improvement process. One consequence of this is that internationally recognized human rights are respected and supported at all locations.

Zeppelin has recorded its desired corporate and social conduct in the Code of Conduct for Business Ethics and Compliance. These are guidelines for dealing with customers, business partners and colleagues. Anyone who is part of Zeppelin – no matter where in the world – is obliged to follow the Code of Conduct when carrying out their activities and must always practice values such as integrity, respect, transparency, and openness. In addition, Zeppelin has set out the goal of optimizing its corporate actions, products and services in terms of sustainability, in a Code of Conduct for Suppliers. This Code forms the basis for all future deliveries and projects. The contracting parties agree to comply with the principles and requirements of the Code of Conduct, and to commit to contractually obliging their subcontractors to comply with the standards and regulations set out in the Code of Conduct.

Zeppelin also follows a preventive compliance approach to ensure compliant conduct. Possible transgressions of the rules should be ruled out in advance where possible. In addition to the Code of Conduct, compliance guidelines provide specific instructions in unclear situations. The Zeppelin Trustline is an online whistleblower system that can be used to submit reports in any language relevant to the Zeppelin Group. The system offers the option of contacting the Zeppelin Group anonymously and confidentially, including on matters relating to human rights due diligence.

1 The Zeppelin Group is not aware of any child labor, forced labor or compulsory labor at its sites in the reporting period ending December 31, 2023.

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