Sustainability Report 2023

Membership of associations and initiatives

GRI 2-28

Zeppelin’s commitment to sustainability is also borne out by its membership of and active participation in initiatives and associations:

Zeppelin Sustainable Tire Alliance

Under the umbrella of the “Zeppelin Sustainable Tire Alliance”, established in March 2023, Zeppelin Systems together with its international partners is striving to shape a sustainable future for the tire industry and make even better use of existing potential. Through the combined expertise of the technology group, customers receive holistic tire recycling solutions on a sustainable basis, from a single source and always at the cutting edge. At the same time, the Alliance helps to promote the circular economy and conserve Earth’s valuable resources.

UN Global Compact

In December 2016, Zeppelin GmbH joined the UN Global Compact as a sign of its corporate responsibility, and has since put every effort into implementing and promoting the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.

Diversity Charter

The Zeppelin Group has been a member of the Diversity Charter since September 2020, a German employer initiative to promote diversity in companies. By signing up to the Charter, we made a voluntary commitment to consciously promote diversity and respect.

Founding partner of “Employers for Equality”

Zeppelin is a founding partner of “Employers for Equality”, a program of PANDA GmbH for Gender Equality & Diversity in companies that promotes equality and actively advances progress in business and society. These memberships promote Zeppelin’s visibility among professionals and experts and also increase its attractiveness as an employer.

Forum Compliance Mittelstand (FCM) working group

The Zeppelin Group is also a member of the SME-focused Forum Compliance Mittelstand (FCM) working group in Germany. The Forum is a voluntary union of small and mid-sized enterprises and associations that serves to promote and spread a value-driven way of doing business among companies of a similar size. Topics relating to the implementation of effective compliance management and monitoring in SMEs are discussed. The FCM works at the intersection of business and ethics, and fosters dialog between researchers and the world of business.

“Fair Company” initiative

It goes without saying that the Zeppelin Group treats interns fairly and responsibly. Zeppelin has been a member of the Fair Company initiative since July 2018 and is committed to complying with defined quality standards. Fair Company is Germany’s largest and most well-known employer initiative committed to a fair working environment in the long term, and is aimed specifically at young professionals and career entrants.



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